2025 Race/Rally information night with guest speaker Capt. Barry SADLER (Senior Ships Pilot)

Find out about the Race and Rally Programme ahead as well as gaining a unique insight into the challenges bringing ships in and out of the Thorn Channel and Southampton Water. Regardless of whether you intend to Race or Rally this input will be invaluable given we through necessity transit these areas whenever we go afloat.
19:00hrs - Bar and Galley open.
20:00hrs - Presentation from Capt. Barry SADLER followed by Q&A.
21:30hrs - Short presentation from Damon Kennard to outline planned sailing events.
(Race/Rally Programmes to be circulated).
Mairi and her team will be offering Beef or Veggie Stew for £7.95 so why not get to the club for 19.00hrs and grab a bite to eat and drink before the presentations.
For planning purposes I would ask that members book your places, the presentations are FREE and food can be paid for directly to the Galley on the night. When booking you can elect 'Presentation only' or 'Presentation with Stew' and then specify 'Beef/Veggie' option.
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