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Home / Boat Park / Trailer Sailers (Trailer Boats)

Trailer Sailers (Trailer Boats)

Trailer Sailers (Trailer Boats).

After several requests and enquiries from MYC members, Trailer sailers (Trailer Boats) will be permitted to be stored in the yard and self-launched as required on a trial basis and limited to 6. (Currently Full)

This would normally be for the summer period with boats being taken away in the layup season (1st October) as by the very nature they are trailable. (But see below RE Winter)

A trailer-sailer (Trailer Boat) is defined as any boat that is not a sailing dinghy or a yacht tender that is launched, retrieved and moved around

without the use of MYC machinery/equipment. Not exceeding the following dimensions: Maximum width including trailer 2.5m. Maximum length 8m (excluding the coupling and drawbar)

A sailing dinghy is defined as any RYA recognised class of sailing dinghy or similar that is less than 16 ft. long and capable of being launched and retrieved by hand.

A yacht tender is defined as an open boat that is capable of being rowed or sculled over the stern and/or outboard propelled, and

launched and retrieved by hand and no longer than 12 ft. Larger tenders may, if space is available, be accepted on application to the Boat Park dinghy administrator.

A tender is for tendering to a "mothership or main vessel"

Trailer boats can come into the yard (on payment, application and registration) on the 1st May each year (once space is gained from launching) and the period runs to 30th Sept each season. This is "summer" and charged at the summer storage rate for year 1. If the trailer is locked, keys must be available to allow the boat to be moved as required and at short notice.

Trailer boats should normally be removed by the 1st October (Layup) unless a successful paid up application and allocation for a winter space has been made in the normal manner. Access to trailer boats for launching in the layup period is not guaranteed as the smaller trailer boats may be placed in spots that the Wise rig cannot reach. But if access is required then the boat park team will do their best. Charging is in line with winter storage (Per Meter).

Current bylaws remain IE Members are not permitted to have a vessel within the MYC mooring site and have an additional vessel hauled out ashore on MYC property.

A member cannot have two vessels hauled out ashore unless all other applications have been satisfied and space remains

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